Saturday, December 24, 2011

What Shepherds Taught Me

Note: I tried to post a video of a violin instrumental of Silent Night but it was taking too long and I wanted you all to read this. So open a new tab and listen to it while you read!

I love my church. I mean really I do I do. I was thinking tonight in the Christmas Eve Service how beautiful my church is. I heard the resounding of the El Paso Brass Quartet, and the Timpani drum and the choir singing Hark! The Herald Angels Sing and there was a moment just a slight one that I just felt so important. Like, what a weird feeling--important? I think it was because I realized something so very profound. (God has a way of making me realize things while in his house.)

As the choir was heralding and I was standing in my beautiful church I felt important because I felt like a part of something. The most important thing to ever happen in the world- Jesus coming to Earth to be born so that he could sacrifice himself for us. I mean, I'm a Christian, and I'm always doing church-ey stuff and I've heard that message so so so many times, but it kind of dawned on me what it meant.

Sometimes, I do this weird thing when I read history books, or watch movies, I imagine the people in those things walking through the door. I imagine their build and their height and their mannerisms, and when I do that it helps me to really immerse myself in what I'm learning or watching. But tonight, I thought of something like that. I thought of the shepherds. I imagined myself sitting out in the field, I imagined myself laying there and an angel appearing, I imagined myself and my shepherd friends freaking out, I imagined being on the journey, and I imagined being there when they got to Mary and Joseph and Jesus. I imagined them seeing the 3 Kings, and seeing tired Mary and Joseph, I physically tried to make myself imagine what the manger what have looked like and how the shepherds felt when they saw Jesus.

When I imagined this, I think this is what prompted my feelings of being a part of something. I felt like I was there, witnessing Jesus' birth. The savior of the earth being born! Can you imagine? And the best part is that he knows me? When I sing to him he hears me! When I talk to him he listens. But sometimes I feel like when we hear about Jesus coming to earth we don't actually think of him as a HUMAN. I mean what he looked like- how tall he was, his beard, what he looked like as a boy--I mean he was here, physically in the flesh. He felt pain and everything. But the thought of him being born just made me think of how special it is that basically the whole world celebrates the birth of a saviour. Yes yes I know, its become a sellout to modern media blabla, but Christmas is still the one time of the year that many people inadvertently celebrate THE BIRTH of what is our saviour and God, Jesus! It's the one time of the year that the most bitter secularisitic people will sing songs like O Holy Night, I mean they are inadvertenly worshipping GOD! Isn't that cool? I love my God. I love love love him. I would be nothing with out him. I am so disappointing as a person, and he takes me back everyday.

I'm so glad that God made Pope Julius make a day for Christ's birth.
*Sidenote-December 25th-was the pagan holiday Saturnalia but the Pope turned it into a day to celebrate the birth of Christ. And a thought I had that made me love God more was that-isnt that what God is all about, turning something bad and evil into something Good and Wonderful.
But anyways, I'm glad that God made a day for us to celebrate our saviours birth.
I'm glad that people still celebrate it. I'm glad that he sent his son to earth. And I'm glad that he died for me. But that's for a different holiday (Easter).
I'm glad God made Christmas so that we can celebrate his birth like the shepherds did, and give gifts like the Kings did.
I hope one day in Heaven I will get to talk to those at the birth of Jesus.
But I just wanted to leave a Christmas thought. One to remind you that Jesus IS the reason for the season as cliche as that has become. The Word became Flesh and that was called Jesus. He was born in a manger, and that day is what we celebrate. Happy Birthday Jesus.

I love you I love you I love you.

But anyways, Merry Christmas.

And Joyeux Noel to my French Husband wherever you are. I can't wait for our Christmases together in the future.

Alright I'm digressing. I really do wish you a Merry Christmas. One with peace and contentment. And the satisfaction in knowing that Christ the Saviour is Born!

From, Jesus' birthday party guest, Shelby

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